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The general mantra in the real estate world is you want to avoid paying points when obtaining a mortgage. As with most assumptions, this is not always true.   What Are Points?   When discussing mortgages, it is important to understand what points are. Points, or Discount Points, are essentially...

With record numbers of individuals seeking home loans these days, it’s no surprise that scam artists have developed new ways to separate borrowers from their money. Mortgage scams are on the rise and typically target people who are overextended, have bad credit, or are in...

We are now offering virtual tours of any properties for our clients. Send your Capital Group agent a message and they will set it up or click the "Schedule Virtual Tour" button on our website located on each property page. We also have the capability to easily create, view, and sign contracts electronically. Our systems are easy to use and accessible from your mobile device. We are here for you!